Why I love Couture: Made by Hand in Los Angeles

In fashion I have always loved work done by hand. There is a sense of closeness and intimacy with the garment that just isn't the same using machines. The atelier staff at the the maisons of Chanel and Dior in Paris know that all too well.
The dress becomes their child for the duration of its construction. They derive a sense of pride from seeing it on the runway or becoming a best seller with the fortunate few couture clients.
This dress was fun for me to work on. Every piece of ribbon was pinned on individually with thousands of pins reflecting the light. My patient sample maker then had the non envious job of painstakingly hand sewing each one of those ribbons on the base mesh.
But the result was worth it!
It looked great on the body, almost like an organic swimsuit. It was later picked by top stylist Rob Zangardi to dress actress Lily Collins for the Premierre of "City of Bones". A proud moment for us both.
These days it feels that so much of fashion is all about making a fast buck. And while I am not against that, there is also a place for uncompromised beauty. There has to be. Beauty that is not based on profit margins but the freedom to do whatever it takes to bring it to life.
Luckily there is great talent in fashion who give us moments of joy through the beauty of their work. I am always grateful to them and especially to the small brands that don't have the huge budgets the big houses do. Through creativity we keep the desire alive and remind the world of our right to dream. Until next time, M.
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